This article covers frequently asked questions about ChurchHub for Ministry Personnel.
- How do I know if my name is on the list of available ministers?
If your Office of Vocation minister has approved you as a minister in good standing and eligible to search for a call or appointment, you will see this button on your Find a New Ministry page: - What if I want to update my minister profile after I have been approved to search for a position?
You can update your minister profile at any time. In fact, you are encouraged to review and update your profile on a regular basis. Every night the system refreshes all profiles, so any changes made one day will appear in your profile the next morning. - The information I'm putting into my Minister Profile boxes is not saving.
Remember to click the UPDATE button at the bottom of each of your profiles (Introduction; Education/Experience; Skills & Gifts) AND also click the UPDATE button at the bottom of the main My Profile page (the page with preferred hours, regional council availability, languages, etc.). - When I make a request to be made available to search for a call or appointment, I get a message asking me to complete my profile.
The system checks that all profile information has been completed before it allows the request to be made available. Ensure that for each of the profile boxes you have removed all the sample text and have copied/pasted or typed your own text into the box. Also make sure that all boxes on the main My Profile page are completed. - I'm an applicant or candidate, but I don't see a Find a New Ministry tile on My Ministry page
Please contact your Office of Vocation minister to confirm that you have passed the required interview(s) to be able to begin to look for a position. If you have been approved and the button is missing, please send a message to so we can add the tile. - How do I connect with communities of faith that have an available position?
Each available position includes a search team e-mail address. Please send an e-mail to that address to express your interest in a position. You do not contact each other within ChurchHub.