This article contains general frequently asked questions about ChurchHub. Here, you can also find the link to questions regarding Communities of Faith and Ministry Personnel.
General FAQs for Everyone
- I have never received an invitation to ChurchHub.
Every ministry personnel and pastoral charge in The United Church of Canada was issued an invitation to ChurchHub in the first half of 2019. The only ones that did not receive an invitation were those that did not have a valid e-mail address on file for the invitation to be sent to. If you cannot find your invitation or suspect the e-mail on file is incorrect or missing, please contact, and we can confirm what e-mail address we have. - Who do I call if I get error messages that say I don’t have permission, or access denied?
Please contact - Who do I call if I’m having trouble with various forms/pages on ChurchHub?
Contact - I am able to get into ChurchHub, but the forms aren’t loading properly or are coming up blank.
Sometimes your device or browser may be outdated and thus incompatible with ChurchHub. One way to deal with this is to use the newest version of Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge as your browser. - Are there training resources to help me?
Several training videos and other resources are listed on the ChurchHub page on
FAQs for Communities of Faith
- How do we know if the position we submitted has been approved by regional council?
- Can we edit a position that we have already submitted?
- What if we want to update our community of faith profile after we’ve submitted a position?
- Where do we go to complete a record of call/appointment for the minister we are calling/appointing/ reappointing?
- We’ve lost or can’t find our original ChurchHub invitation. How do we get another one?
- We received an invitation to set a password, but when we try to do so it tells us the password link has expired.
- Why do some ministry personnel on the available list have very little information in their profiles?
- How do we contact ministers on the available positions list?
Find answers to these questions here.
FAQs for Ministry Personnel
- How do I know if my name is on the list of available ministers?
- What if I want to update my minister profile after I have been approved to search for a position?
- The information I'm putting into my Minister Profile boxes is not saving
- When I make a request to be made available to search for a call or appointment, I get a message asking me to complete my profile.
- I'm an applicant or candidate, but I don't see a Find a New Ministry tile on My Ministry page
- How do I connect with communities of faith that have an available position?
Find answers to these questions here.